Overlook InfraTech is a public benefit company founded under the radical premise that the company exists to serve the community. We do this by focusing on ecosystem value rather than only on ways to extract resources from a target market.
This means that if you contract with us to fix a problem you’re having with a
module, we won’t just band-aid together something to get it working in your
environment. We’ll dig deeper and architect a long-term solution and work with
upstream – be it Vox Pupuli, @saz
, or Perforce – to incorporate these
improvements for all users of the module. And when someone else contracts with
us for similar fixes, they’ll be shared with you too.
🏘️ We all contribute a little to the ecosystem and we all reap the collective benefits of it.
We hope you’ll join us on the journey.

Ben Ford (@binford2k
Ben is a software engineer and community leader with extensive knowledge and expertise in the Puppet ecosystem. He's honored to call many of you friend and learn from you every day. He's been organizing Linux Users Groups, run clubs, and roller derby teams for most of his adult life and even a bit before that. Before coming to Puppet, he taught Anthropology grad students how to code in Java and then used that experience to introduce Puppet to many of you.
Ben has been obsessed with collective benefit for decades and is motivated by enabling the success of others. He's been dreaming of a world in which his skills don't just feed the capitalist maw. He is a long-distance runner but isn't interested in boasting about race times; he'd rather hear how your race went for you.

Nick Burgan
Nick has deep experience in both software and hardware. He spent a decade crafting silicon at Intel and most recently worked on Puppet Enterprise, including building pipelines, and maintaining Enterprise grade modules. He was looking forward to a well deserved break from the corporate world when he saw our community Puppet fork movement and decided to join forces.
Nick believes deeply in channeling his skills to uplift the lives of others and that technology should be used as a positive catalyst for change. He loves being in nature and dreams one day of living off-grid on many acres of wilderness.